The Lord has laid a burden on our hearts for the people of India, and given us a vision to reach out and minister in India’s rural villages through evangelism, outreach, discipleship, church planting, and by sharing the peace of Christ.

PPMI is an evangelistic and church planting ministry to those living in the state of Andhra
Pradesh on the southeastern coast of India.  Started in 2011, PPMI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
Christian ministry governed by a Board of Directors and the prayers of concerned Christians.

Our efforts are carried out by a team of Indian pastors with a heart for sharing the Good News of God’s forgiveness through Christ, and the abundant life that can be experienced through faith in Him.  The team not only preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also offers practical, tangible help whenever possible.

  • Evangelical outreach – personal evangelism, Bible studies, prayer meetings, retreats
  • Church planting – evangelists start prayer groups, which develop into Bible study groups, then Fellowships, and in the Lord’s time, new congregations
  • Discipleship – training camps are held to instruct missionaries, pastors and evangelists on discipling in their churches and groups
  • Service projects – reaching out to students in the poor, rural areas with books, clothes, and uplifting, need-based projects